Mi Ongklok: Not the Ordinary Noodle

Mie Ongklok served with chicken satay and tempe kemul. (Doc. Henry)

    Mie Ongklok is a traditional noodle that is served with meat or chicken satay and tempe kemul (fried tempeh covered with flour). These noodles are widely sold in various stalls, restaurants, or peddled by using a cart. If you go to Dieng Plateau, you need to try Mie Ongklok. It’s a sticky noodle with a sweet taste. The dishes are accompanied with chicken satay, it’s a classic combination that will taste great.

The utensils for cooking Mi Ongklok are called Ongklok. (Doc. monitorday.com)

    If you’re curious about the history behind the name ‘Mi Ongklok’, I will explain the story behind its name. The ‘ongklok’ name is from the utensil made from woven bamboo that looks like little that used to boil the noodle and another condiment. Then, the boiling process by dipping in hot water using ‘ongklok’ is called ‘diongklok’. As a result, the local community then called it Mi Ongklok. This method of making noodles only exists in Wonosobo. Only for a few minutes, the noodles and mixed vegetables then placed in a bowl and poured with gravy. 

    This Mi Ongklok gravy is famous for its specialty. The gravy comes from starch mixed with brown sugar, ebi (dried shrimp), and spices. To make the taste more delicious, Mi Ongklok is also served with peanut sauce.

    This boiled noodle is made using cabbage, chopped chives, and a thick starchy gravy called loh. Cabbage and chives are local origin vegetables that are planted in Dieng Plateau. 

    For your information, Dieng Plateau is one of the most productive agricultural regions in Central Java. Their vegetables are distributed to other cities around. 

    The price of Mi Ongklok is very affordable, the one portion of Mi Ongklok is only Rp9,000. Then for the beef satay price is Rp23,000/portion of 10 beef satay. The Tempe Kemul is about Rp1,000/each.


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